quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2016

Former ministers of the Supreme are Temer plans to the Ministry of Justice

The plans of Vice President Michel Temer to the areas related to justice will have two stages. The first will be implemented during the 180 days that President Dilma Rousseff is removed while the Senate considers the merits of the request for impeachment. The other will be implemented if the mandate of the president is impeached and Temer President to pass on to exercise de facto president.

In the first stage, the vice president intends to call to the Ministry of Justice somebody else on the legal area to politics, unlike what did the PT and Fernando Henrique Cardoso government. They are bandied about the names of retired ministers of the Federal Supreme Court Ayres Britto and Carlos Velloso.

Temer idea is to bring the Ministry of Justice names that pass tranquility to Congress and to the market.
Both were presidents of the Supreme Court are known and have not had their names involved in media scandals that took the political news in recent years. Velloso is even the author of the majority opinion in the discussion in the Supreme Court that defined the rite applied to Fernando Collor impeachment.
According to people close to the vice president, the idea is to bring to justice names that pass tranquility to Congress and to the market, while Temer focuses on folders linked to economic and social areas.

At the same time, Temer intends to ammunition for that, behind the scenes, senior minister of the Supreme Court Nelson Jobim face operation “jet wash”. It is not part of the same political group as the Vice President – they have played the president of the PMDB – but is seen as a strong name, able to hold the spirits of the delegates of the Federal Police, whose performance has been considered too political.

Michel 2016
The Federal Police is uncertainty factor for the political class. In a Congress where there are 300 deputies investigated or defendants in criminal proceedings in the Supreme, will only have support in the legislature the government to achieve signal control apparatus of investigation. So the second time, since after Michel Temer took office, the idea is to have a strong name for Justice, the oldest of the ministries, to hold the PF.

Those who follow the movement closely said that was not discussed seriously who the incumbent minister, but the minister Gilmar Mendes has been appointed as an “ideal” profile, even on account of his years at the head of the National Council of Justice – when he gave hints of what is able to do in front of an administrative body with some power. But the minister will be in full presidency of the Superior Electoral Court and the Supreme Court can hardly fail to join a government.

The name Nelson Jobim pleases the supporters of Temer, but as a corporate lawyer in “jet wash” would bring with it the danger of public antipathy. But it is certainly someone who would have political power to command the PF.

The operation “jet wash” is a key part in this account. Investigations conducted by the Federal Court in Curitiba and the Attorney General’s Office, has given every sign that their next steps will be in the political arena, no longer in business. Therefore, the operation will never be “drowned out” how they want parliamentarians without a strong hand announced at birth are delivered to the public.

In this context, Michel Temer would have to commit to not move to save any of the main fish caught by researchers so far: the mayor, Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ), and former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Lula would be the political trophy. The “evidence” to investigators that the PT is a criminal organization that had as head of the president and party chairman. Today the charges against him are stopped by decision of the Supreme, who has not decided whether or not it can take the head of the Civil House and therefore whether or not the prerogative of jurisdiction by function.

Already Eduardo Cunha is defendant in a criminal action in the Supreme and investigated in at least one survey. It has been said so far, ten winning deletions linked to “jet wash”. If he is convicted, the speech anticorruption passes to make more sense than now, where 300 deputies investigated or defendants in criminal cases voted to oust the president.

Temer and Cunha are longtime friends and actively participate in the political life of each other for many years. But the government’s assembly, only one can survive. If Cunha is “pardoned” the impeachment runs the risk of losing legitimacy.

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